School Rewards and Positive Behaviour Policy (Primary)



The school recognises that it is necessary to have appropriate levels of sanction in place to help students achieve expected standards of behaviour within the school environment. 

Sanctions are necessary to provide a safe learning environment for all students and to prevent any student from disrupting the education and learning opportunities of other students.  

All incidents of inappropriate behaviour that appear to breach any of our school rules, will be investigated and documented and a report held on the student’s personal file.  

Parents will ALWAYS be contacted regarding any infringements that are not in line with the expected standards of work and behaviour and when disciplinary action is taken. This also includes repetitive low level disruptive behaviour.


  • To promote and develop positive relationships with all individuals in our school community.
  • To create and maintain a secure, nurturing environment, which enables each member of our school community to develop to their fullest potential.
  • To foster positive and caring attitudes towards everyone, with mutual respect between members of the school community.
  • To acknowledge individual achievement.
  • To consistently use positive strategies and clear boundaries in order to promote the positive learning behaviours.
  • To encourage independence, self-regulation and intrinsic motivation in all learners.
  • To ensure all staff members take responsibility for the behaviour within our school community and model the expected behaviour at all times.
  • To provide clarity on the system when addressing unacceptable behaviour.


To provide simple, practical procedures for staff, parents and learners that:

  • Promote our school values.
  • Positively reinforce expected behaviour.
  • Teach appropriate behaviour through positive interactions.
  • Show consistency in language and behaviour expectations, including challenging all behaviour that does not meet school expectations.
  • Model positive behaviours and build relationships.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND):

All primary teachers are committed to working alongside parents and learners in the behaviour management of pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) or those with more complex behaviours by:

  • Liaising with and referring learners who display continuous disruptive behaviour.
  • Putting in place appropriate provision for SEND children.
  • Using data to target and assess provision for learners who fall beyond the range of the policy.

Parents will:

Have responsibility in supporting the school’s policies, strategies and guidelines for behaviour by:

  • Encouraging learners to have high standards of behaviour in and out of school.
  • Treating other parents, learners, staff and visitors of the school with respect.
  • Support the school in its use of rewards, consequences and interventions.

Recognition and Rewards for effort:

We recognise and reward learners who go “above and beyond” the expected behaviour standards. Although there are various awards, our staff understand that a quiet word of personal praise can be as effective as a larger, more public reward.

  • Reward points –Reward points are awarded for behaviour “above and beyond” in class and around the school. Linked to our school values, reward points can be awarded where behaviour and attitude to learning has exceeded the expectations. This could be academically, practically, socially or personally. The aim of reward points is to encourage and celebrate individual success, as well as children seeing the larger impact of their actions.
  • Good to be Green– The ‘Good to be Green scheme is an effective way of promoting positive behaviour, rewarding those pupils who consistently behave appropriately, and is a means of being able to track those pupils who find it harder to meet the school’s expected behaviour code. Good to be Green comes with sticker charts, certificates and praise pad to help manage and reward behaviour in your class.


These are an extremely effective form of reward and much valued by students.  These can be sent for a number of reasons;

  • Improved effort
  • Progress in a particular subject or subjects
  • Attitude in class or helpfulness
  • Improved attendance or punctuality
  • Exceptional work



  • Achievement in sport – 4 students to be chosen by the PE teacher
  • Student of the year – one primary/ one secondary, to be chosen by teachers and Head of School


  • Most reward points per term – 1 student per year group

Other recognised awards

  • Sports day certificates and trophies
  • Head of School certificates
  • Above and beyond awards

Managing Behaviour

Engagement with learning is always the primary aim. For the vast majority of learners, a gentle reminder is all that is needed. However, on occasions when it is necessary, steps will be taken to remind learners of the expected behaviour and consequences that may follow. Steps would be taken with care and consideration, taking individual needs into account where necessary.

“Every minute a learner is out of the classroom is a minute where they are not learning.”

Stepped Actions

1) Redirection: Gentle encouragement, a ‘nudge in the right direction, and refocus exercise.

2) Reminder: A reminder of the expectations Ready, Respectful and Safe. Deescalate and decelerate where reasonable and possible in order to keep things at this stage. (Repeat reminders where necessary for SEND). Use scripted interventions at this point.

3) Caution/Opportunity: A clear verbal caution delivered privately where possible, making the learner aware of the unwanted behaviour and clearly outlining the consequences if they continue.

4) Time Out-yellow card: A chance for reflection away from others (Thinking space in the classroom or at another table). Speak to the learner privately and give a final opportunity to engage. Offer a positive choice to do so.

5) Referral-red card: At this point the learner will be referred to another room within primary for the remainder of the session. All referrals must be recorded on Dinantia and parents will be notified.

6) Repair: A restorative meeting takes place before the next session to rebuild the relationship. Expectations discussed with learner including examples of positive choices.

Formal Intervention

When there are more than three separate incidents of disruptive or unacceptable behaviour over a period of two weeks, a behaviour report will be put in place to support the learner, to be reviewed as necessary.  This will follow a parent meeting with the class teacher and Head of School.

When there is extremely disruptive behaviour (where the class are unable to learn), serious physical/threatening behaviour or a one off serious incident, including fighting, the learner may be suspended internally or externally, for what Is deemed as an appropriate amount of days according to the offence committed.  Permanent exclusion may be considered in cases that are deemed severe.


Bullying is behaviour of an individual or group, usually repeated over time, that intentionally hurts another group or individual either physically or emotionally.  Bullying can take many different forms but NO form of bullying will be tolerated. Bullying is something we take extremely seriously at school and consequences will be handed to any offender.

If you have any query with regard to the Disciplinary Policy please do not hesitate to contact the Office.